The section acts as the hub for pulsed power and high voltage engineering for kicker systems. The core engineering activities are conceptual design, calculation, simulation and specification of all electromagnetic, pulsed power and high voltage technologies used in CERN’s kickers.
Research and Development:
The section is responsible for ongoing development processes on existing ABT pulsed power technologies together with R&D of possible future technologies for use in the field of beam transfer. The mandate includes the identification and assessment of strategic research objectives.
Operation of kicker systems:
- The section contributes to the successful and reliable operation of fast pulsed systems throughout the CERN accelerator complex by:
- Providing expertise and equipment supervision ;
- Analysing operational issues on kicker systems and specifying improvements and preventive maintenance;
- Contributing to the groups kicker piquet service;
- Providing engineering expertise for interventions as well as for tests and measurements of kicker systems;
- Follow-up of operational issues with beam-transfer systems.