Mandate - ABT Group

The ABT group is in charge of the design, development, construction, installation, exploitation and maintenance of injection and extraction related equipment and beam-transfer systems:

  • Fast pulsed kicker magnets with their triggering systems, high voltage pulse generators and transmission lines;
  • Electric field deflectors, electric and magnetic septa, including high voltage DC power supplies;
  • Protection devices and other specialised injection/extraction related sub-systems;
  • Associated equipment-level control systems and software.

The group also conceives, studies and designs injection and extraction processes and systems in the accelerator complex, and beam transfer lines between accelerators and up to targets.

It is responsible for commissioning and operational follow-up of beam transfer systems, including the LHC transfer lines, injection and beam dumping systems, together with their potential upgrades.

It performs R&D on related technologies and computing methods and also manages external relations with other institutes/labs/universities, teaching/student supervision and dissemination of expertise.


*For more information, please visit our SharePoint site (CERN internal).

*Comment for improvement and question welcome, please contact the ABT secretariat.