
Responsabilities and Organisational structure in matters of Safety at CERN.

The Group Leader shall be responsible for Safety within his/her group, including for the Safety of Installations, activities and projects under its responsibility, and, in particular, for the implementation, within his/her group, of the CERN Safety Policy, the CERN Safety Rules, the CERN Safety Objectives and best practices. ....The Group Leader shall further take the necessary measures to ensure the safe interaction of the Installations, activities and projects under his/her responsibility with those under the responsibility of others.

SLP - Safety Link Person - Mission and Appointment

The SLP shall be knowledgeable in matters of Safety concerning the Installations, activities and projects under the responsibility of his group and shall have successfully completed the required Safety training, if any....... The SLP shall act on behalf of and report to his Group Leader. He shall regularly liaise with the DSO.

RSSO - Radiation Safety Support Officer - Mission and Appointment

The RSSO shall be knowledgeable in matters of Radiation Safety and shall have successfully completed the required Safety training, if any. ...The RSSO shall act on behalf of and report to his Group Leader. He shall regularly liaise with the RSO of the Department.

TSO -Territorial Safety Officer - Mission and Appointment  List of TSO in ABT Group

The TSO shall support his Department Head, via the Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) .... The TSO shall act on behalf of and report to the DSO of his Department sharing the building and premises, as the case may be. 

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